dave's 365 project

Day 177 – Hotel California

Posted in People, Places by Dave on June 28, 2010

After fishing today, we got an incredible treat. Don Felder of the Eagles was here with the World Classic Rockers.

If you ever get a chance to see them, don’t miss it. WCR is made up of former members of the classic rock bands Santana, Journey, Steppenwolf, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Boston, and Toto.

These guys still have it. The best part is they really appear to be enjoying themselves up there. They even invite the audience to go up on stage with them. No pretentiousness, no attitudes, just a really talented group of cool guys who enjoy playing great music. They did this for the charity event so they’re not even making money. (assumption)

I got a lot of shots I really liked tonight. I choose this one because Hotel California is one of my all-time favorite songs.  It was an incredible experience to watch the original song writer perform it live on the  beach. I grabbed my camera and was no more than 10 feet away as he was performing.  Surreal.

PS. Fishing update…there is a hurricane forming and was the reason it was so rough on the Pacific yesterday. We headed north today deep into the Sea of Cortez. It was rough but not nearly as bad. We had a great day….caught enough to finish in 4th place overall. On the way in we ran into a huge school of yellowfin tuna. We ended up with 18 before our arms were too tired for any more. It was enough to feed a lot of Ahi to the entire tournament!

1/800s | f1.8 | ISO 800 | 50mm